

Dongguan Lingzhong Precision Mould Co., Ltd.

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Dongguan Lingzhong Precision Mould Co., Ltd.




Address:No. 3, Nange 3rd Road, Daojiao Town, Dongguan City

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High precision plastic mold processing steps

High precision plastic mold processing steps

1. Heating and pre-plasticizing:

Driven by the drive system, the screw conveys and compacts the material from the hopper. Under the combined action of the heater, screw and barrel outside the barrel, the material is gradually melted, and the material is gradually melted at the head of the barrel. A certain amount of molten plastic has accumulated in the part. Under the pressure of the melt, the screw slowly retreats. The retreat distance depends on the amount required for one injection of the metering device. When the predetermined injection volume is reached, the screw stops rotating and retreats .

2. Mold clamping and locking:

The clamping mechanism pushes the mold plate and the movable mold part of the mold installed on the movable mold plate to close and lock the mold part on the movable mold plate to ensure that sufficient clamping force is provided to lock the mold during forming.

3. Move the injection device forward:

When the mold clamping is completed, the entire injection seat is pushed and moved forward, so that the nozzle of the injection machine and the main runner of the mold are completely fitted.

4. Injection and pressure maintaining:

After the clamping and nozzle are fully fitted to the mold, the injection hydraulic cylinder enters high-pressure oil, pushing the screw forward relative to the barrel, and injecting the melt accumulated in the head of the barrel into the cavity of the mold with sufficient pressure, which is caused by the decrease in temperature. To shrink the volume of the plastic, in order to ensure the compactness, dimensional accuracy and mechanical properties of the plastic part, it is necessary to maintain a certain pressure on the melt in the mold cavity to supplement the material.

5. Pressure relief:

When the melt at the gate of the high-precision plastic mold freezes, the pressure can be relieved.

6. Retreat of the injection device:

Generally speaking, after the pressure relief is completed, the screw can rotate and retreat to complete the next feeding and pre-plasticizing process. (In general, the movement of the injection seat to withdraw the main gate of the mold has been cancelled. (Perform this action when molding materials with serious salivation, such as PA).

7. Open the mold and eject the plastic parts

After the plastic part in the cavity of the high-precision plastic mold is cooled and shaped, the clamping mechanism opens the mold and pushes out the plastic part in the mold.




Address:No. 3, Nange 3rd Road, Daojiao Town, Dongguan City

Mobile phone line :13809276153

Copyright ? 2021~2024 東莞市凌眾精密模具有限公司

record number:粵ICP備18028150號(hào)


Technical support: Huizhuo Network




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